Guest Columnist for The Messenger

September - October, 2023
The Messenger

"The LORD's light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive." - Proverbs 20: 27 NLT.
We are coming to the end of another year studying YHWH's Word (2 Tim. 2: 15). Studying is more than just reading. You write down some thoughts of what you just read, and sometimes even word for word. What has that to do with Proverbs, you ask? I see Proverbs as a teaching manual for parents and their children, for all generations. That's what GOD told Moses to do; write a teaching manual for a king, before Israel entered the promised land. Read Deuteronomy 17: verses 14 to 20.
Yes, that's right! LORD God knew that Israel would eventually want a king, like their neighbors. Well, the great I AM is all-knowing. Sure enough, over three hundred years later, Israel demanded a king (1 Samuel, chapters 8 to 10.) Father God told Samuel to find Saul and anoint him king because GOD knew that Saul was tall in stature. Make the neighbors think twice before attacking. GOD also knew that Saul's self-will would take over in two years; from intruding into the priest's office and incomplete obedience in regard to the Amalekites. Read 1 Samuel 15 to understand what happened. The LORD of hosts through Samuel gave Saul; a direct and distinctive command which Saul failed to do. He even blamed the Israelites, for why he did not follow through with the LORD's command. It seems that Saul's spirit was darken.
On the other hand, Solomon learned many things from his father David and others. When David was nearing death and he wanted to build the House of GOD, but because he was a man of blood, GOD choose Solomon to do it instead. So David had Solomon anointed king and instructed him in governing Israel and how to build the temple; for David had already assembled all the materials needed (1 Chronicles 22 and 28.) After his father's death, Solomon had a dream where the LORD appears and asks Solomon what GOD can give him. Young Solomon asks for an understanding heart to judge GOD's people (1 Kings 3: 5 - 15.)
Father GOD gave Solomon what he asked and more. So do an A-S-K today (Matthew 7: 7); but remember, be humble (Proverbs 16: 19, 20.)

~ Guest Columnist
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