
"But whoever drinks of the water I give will never thirst again." 

John 4:14

The women of Concord Baptist Church invite you to join them as they challenge one another to use their time and talents to glorify Christ. Each week our ladies gather for a Mid-week Bible study; which brings women of ALL ages together from our church and our community. Many ladies of our church take the lead in church hospitality. They coordinate meals and make "Blessing Boxes" for our members in need. Our ladies are involved in charity outreach programs and participate in the special events, which are frequently hosted by Concord Baptist Church. Many of our ladies also serve on church-wide committees, which include leadership roles in our church body.

Additionally: Many of our ladies participate in Red Clay Ministries' prison outreach for women who are incarcerated. Our ladies share the Gospel of Salvation, which shows God's love and brings hope to otherwise hopeless women and their families.
Red Clay Ministries has over Forty volunteers. Twenty-six of whom are certified by the Georgia Department of Corrections, where they go inside Georgia's State prisons to serve. Red Clay Ministries not only serves prisoners, but the families of the inmates as well. They also serve correctional staff. Like to know more about Red Clay Ministries?
For more information about Red Clay Ministries, CLICK the image below...

Below are pics from "Paint & Praise"... one of our recent events!

Be sure to keep coming back for more information and pictures from all the wonderful things the Ladies of Concord Baptist Church are involved with. Be sure to also frequent our "Upcoming Events" page for new and exciting details of more things to come!

Womens Groups

Go Deeper... Get Connected... Stay Connected!

For the women of Concord Baptist, it's not just about doing, it's about becoming.
This becoming is through God's grace and not by striving and exhausting ourselves. Together we walk arm-and-arm to the well,
where we each find greater faith and His "True Living Water."

Women's Bible Study
Wednesday mornings in the Fellowship Hall @9:30 am

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