Guest Columnist for The Messenger

July - August 2022
The Messenger

"In the reverent and worshipful fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, and His children shall always have a place of refuge." - Proverbs 14:26 (AMP)

In the last Messenger, I wrote about the LORD GOD being our Father, and the confidence we should have in Him to direct our life - Proverbs 3:5-6, 26. I am grateful for the opportunity to share some of what HE has been teaching me, with you all. HE teaches us by reminding us what we have learned in the past to keep us from sinning. He teaches us by bringing rebuke from other Christians or by God’s Word into our minds, when we sin. He teaches us even in suffering and trials, to train us to be stronger than we would be otherwise. All of this I have experienced in my life – perhaps you can identify with me.

For me, HE mostly brings to mind the scripture verses I have memorized or sung during my lifetime, verses that He gave me during various stages of my life to help me through them:
the good, the bad and the ugly stages, and all points in between. These words of the LORD
encouraged, taught and even brought rest to me; and that is what Proverbs 14:26 teaches us. HE is our refuge. This world is fallen and can never be a true place of refuge. Remember when you were little, your parents trained you in the basic things that you automatically do
now. They disciplined you when you were disobedient. You cried and were afraid, that was when your father would drop to his knee and hold out his arms to you, what did you do? You ran into those loving arms, and he would lovingly held you. That is what God does for His children.

There are so many examples of that in the Bible. So what is our place of refuge? As Psalm 46 starts, "God is our refuge and strength (confidence), a present help in trouble." I would suggest that you read the whole Psalm for yourself. Going further this Psalm says “Be still and know that I Am God.” The story is told of the little child in Sunday School who asked this of God in prayer one Sunday: “God, the Sunday School Teacher told us all the things You do. But Who does them when You go on vacation?” Oh how wonderful to know HE never sleeps or goes on vacation, and HE ever intercedes for us. From my heart to yours: The LORD bless and keep you.

~Guest Columnist